13 April 2010

Random Ramble

Long time no see eh. I know I know. Blogging does not seem fun any more. Or at least to me. My life is as usual : Classes, Lab, Homework, bla, bla. I'm just waiting for Sun to come more. It has been extremely shy these past few days and the April rain just keep pouring down. Honestly, I do have a lot of stuff to do, and I even does it more than I supposed to. I eat more, sleep more, read ( non related to electrics books) more, travel more and much much more.
I'm thinking of sending some birthday gifts back home. I missed all my sisters' last year, so I ought to do it these year. (So Deqya and Ayin, I know you guys are reading this, let me know if you have anything in mind, I'll try my best to get it. ) I just heard from Abah that everyone is moving out right now, someone's in Terengganu, the other in Sarawak and the other one just staying put in Batu Pahat instead of sailing away as he is supposed to. I actually like the idea of he sailing away, he ought to get out and see the world a bit more. And I surely hope it did him good. Insyaallah.

I miss Mak a lot these days. Keep dreaming of her. Knowing myself, a simple phone call is ain't going to do nothing. I also miss my little niece. Very much actually. I keep hoping that she won't forget my face because kids grow up quite fast and she might grow me out of her life.

Just a random picture to make the post longer :

Oh before I forgot, my bestfriend of all time gave me something. Thanks Eda. Me likey :)

I'm supposed to say 7 things bout me. Here goes ;
  1. I live in the attic. It spacious enough but not suitable for tall people.
  2. TJ gave me a planner, because I wanted it with hope that my life would more manageable with it. Let's just see how that turn out.
  3. I used to wondered whether I made the right decision of coming here and choosing to be an engineer, because hell it does not seemed so. But I do trust in fate. Insyaallah everything is going to okay.
  4. I just realised this now : How annoying is that red line that came under a word when I spelled it wrong. So every time made a mistake I have to correct it. Mind you, I made a loottt of mistakes.
  5. My sewing machine is kaput. Pity me. So is my deep fryer and my toilet flush and my alarm clock and everything else. BLEGH!
  6. I seriously does not know what else to write, because I think seven is a lot, and that is why I think I am going hate number seven after this. So there's something. I hate number seven.
  7. Hmm, I like number eight though.

Tata guys!

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