14 March 2011

Kembali ke Sekolah!

I'm such a loser kan? Dah pinky promise pun tak update jugak. Sorry semua, time is running away from me!

Okay, sekarang sepatutnye cerita pasal Trip to Spain but saya rasa nak hold on dulu sebab nanti geng Wihdah akan Buat blog post kat Blog. So nanti saya letak link ye.

Tapi all in all nak cakap jugak my toughts about this trip. For me it wasn't just a simple sightseeing trip,instead it was really personal and deep. I learn a lot of new things, about the places I went to, the people that were there before and also about myself. I have always had questions in my mind but I choose to ignore most part of it and try my best to find the answers on my own. So when I was stuck, I just decided to forget it and move on.

Yes. That was what I always do. Moving on without finding the answer.

Its not the best way but it did get me places. But then, last weekend I started to wonder,Where do I stand in this world? Am I really doing the right thing that I'm supposed to do? I was born a Muslim, and I am for ever grateful for that. But deep inside I know that I am not a good muslim. I've done lots of mistakes and I choose to ignore those in the past. Not anymore Insyaallah. I'm trying my best to mend my life.Bit by Bit. Insyaallah

Dear Allah, help me in my path as you have help me before. Protect my family and give them comfort as they have given me before. Thanks you for you blessing and support and please keep me in your Nur.

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